Where, where to begin. All has become known. There are no more questions to be asked. On a day of thanksgiving, with my family, by blood, gathered. The one leading the prayer, prayed for their god to be with their war troops and with that rang the cord of disharmony. Then as more day’s past, i talked with them and they are pursuing the job of preaching. Yet they know not, nor care for knowledge or understanding of the spirit but only to be before their flock and be a shepherd, living off the wages of others. Then a father asking how much should/does he have to give up for the environment. And later someone combining letters of a foreign alphabet with the hatred toward an entire group of people. And yet again, with my scourge in hand, i drove them out and they had no power to defend themselves against me. So, for weeks with my weapon, i have driven them from me and scolded them for their wanting lack of understanding and love. And last night i was in pain and agony, almost to the point of tears…

And yet a vision came to me, of where i was walking through my garden and came upon two snakes. But with no intention to harm, there was still the desire to not have them within my proximity. So i took steps toward them and they moved from me. But i pursued and stomped and shook the ground causing fear within them and they moved away faster. And so i came close to being upon them and one turned, for the instinct of preservation, toward me and struck at me. I leaped wide away and the snakes continued to hurry away in escape.



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