The best description that i can give is, quiet. A change has definitely occurred and it is continuing to develop. As of now, there are no more questions being asked, no more dialog is taking place. The questions i have been asked and the answers i have been given, from the spirit, are not wanting to be heard. The one keeps ringing in my ears. “Why do some hold conviction and others do not?” Now they have received the answer, they go back to their search, not for knowledge, understanding or development of the spirit but back rather to their search for entertainment of the self. Reading not on the scriptures but on that of fiction, only to fill their time, that in the end holds nothing but which is of waste. Yet, they will do what they want and it is not for me to drive them with a scourge. Yet, it is interesting that when i began to ask for food that needs to be given for everyone, the quiet began and i think back further. Who did i listen to, other than the spirit within? I cannot name one man that told me an answer that i believed without finding out if it was truth, on my own. But therein lies the difference, the following without question the religion of their fore-fathers and once again not the religions precepts from GOD but those religions precepts of man.

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