And this is how it shall begin. I have many questions and exams to cover.

Questions have been posed.

Q1 – Answer: I see what its members do and so i know enough.

My reply was to not judge a prophet by their followers.

Q2 – Answer: I know enough about the bible. I have the cliff notes.

My reply was one of silence and sadness.

Q3 – Answer: Because it says in your scriptures. So, since i have not read this it must be in the jewish scriptures and therefore i do not accept it.

My reply was that if i told you it was in your scriptures, and that is it in Psalms… The reply was that i would have to show them. I did not show them and the desire to know did not take hold of them to search.

Q4. Answer: It is in the bible and the holy trinity.

My reply was that the trinity was created by 3 men living in Turkeye, in order to overcome disagreements in the attempt to organize the religion. The reply: You will have to show me that…

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