Each passing moment is bringing fulfillment to the prophecy. The last remaining grasps to worldly understanding, keeping me away from a spiritual understanding has been released. As my vision, reference: ‘any answer i desire to know will not be withheld from me’. As i am coming unto the understanding daily that i and the spirit are one, clarity of spiritual vision is increasing. On my conversations with M, it is inquired as to whether or not i should pose the question toward him, not so much as answers for me but for him to answer himself. I inquired, that if i was to pursue this course then today i would see 222. The majority of the day passed, while although looking for its appearance, not finding it. There must be made the point that previously the image had come from an outside force, on a piece of paper, a tag, poster, clock or may others. Today it came from my own hand. As i was writing a document, i began using examples of 111,222,333,444. Only realizing later, the 222 that i had written down. Of course, at first i dismissed this, but in my request, it was open and not specified to how it would come about. But the fact that it came from my own hand added so much to the understanding on the course of direction in which i am underway. So yes, i am to pose my questions and will watch the outcome.



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