Tomorrow will be the beginning, the beginning of the fourth year since i have re-entered the land of my birth. It is as was told but of what use is honor. I must now focus on my resurfacing, for the plunge had taken me, although not to the bottom, to a very deep depth. I know what it is i must do. It is useless for me to pray for strength and guidance, for the spirit knows all that is needed beyond my understanding. For serving the spirit, all things needed will be added unto you.

Six dreams i have had, three realized and lived, 3 more are realized and waiting. Learn to be the light while you are in the light. For if you are in darkness when the light is gone, you yourself are darkness. If you will make a wise path, you will prepare the food, set the table and pour the drink. Then invite the guests. It is the foolish who invite and have nothing to offer.

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