This world, this Earth as we call it, should be renamed Sodom reconstituted. Thank God for his son Christ for we will never learn from the destruction we weave whether it comes from our hand or Gods. To destroy us all, I pray that he does not do but to those he will destroy he can only be the judge.

My Lord is leading me down an unknown path and he is the pilot of my destiny. I have no desires of my own anymore and whatever way my path goes, I shall be thankful. It has been almost a month since I have worked and at present, I am in Seattle looking at a job with Spacelabs Medical. It will require a great deal of travel along with good money and working from home, wherever that may be. There are chances that it may be here in Washington state, if so, I can see positive benefits. May the Lord continue to grant me patience. I should know something within the next two weeks on whether or not I will have a job. Either way I will move out of the condo and onto Peter’s boat and Bach will live on the river for a while I suppose. Who knows but the Lord what will happen? Responsibilities should not be shunned no matter what.

I am still with Harem4 and feel things are going well. I do feel better that we are no longer having sex and are getting to know each other better more on an emotional level rather than the immoral roll-a-coaster that sex feeds into the relationship. I pray the Lord continues to use and direct me as his servant and very soon I need to start attending a place of fellowship so I may know if ministry is my calling.

It is easy to become lost in this world with all its splendor and satanic lusts. May the Lord God lay his firm hand of judgment upon it and give us our just rewards.

The truth shall set you free.

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