Today I stayed home from work. So instead of working from home, I read the bible, walked my dog, waited for my doctor appointment to roll around this afternoon and had some tea. I will work tonight on the interface specifications.

Within this century the eagle and the bear will clash or they will not, no one is to know the Second Coming. “No man shall know the day or hour at which I come.”

As the days pass, I begin looking forward to going to stay with my Grandparents, that is if they choose to let me stay. I feel that I will be happier in that area, it will allow us to grow together before they become too old and I can learn much from them in that time. These illnesses given to me by my Lord are making me learn as much as I can about thoughts before death. Is it my lack of faith in the hereafter? Is there one? I pray to the Lord that it is my gift from him. The more I think about it, it would be impossible to perceive it in any other way.

I spent time with my sister this weekend. Harem4, Carol, De, Pa, Sa, Ch all went to the Grand Show together. The night before the show, she and I talked on the phone for a while. She and I are so much alike that it humbles me to know that I am not so unique.

Lord, I ask that you protect my brother in Peru.

I have returned from the doctor. He sent me to an ultrasound and prescribed some medication for me. It was cancer from the water that I drink, from the air that I breath, from the tea I partake, from the computer and the electromagnetic radiation, and from the stress I burden myself with staying off the path of God. Praises be to his name for opening my eyes to my self-loathing and laziness of letting this life waste away chasing after the foolish wants of this world. The house, the vehicle, the boat, the nice cloths and on and on. They have consumed me and are a heavy unneeded burden. “Come to me all of you who are weary and I will give you rest, come unto me you who are heavy burdened for my burden is light.” All glory to Jesus Christ the Son of God. Blessed are we for being worthy enough to live out our greedy lives so we may be forgiven for them. My Lord is full of kindness and my Lord is full of grace. I pray I shall see the day we place his teaching as a priority and not those of the Satan.

It is also another sign that the decisions I made have been seen as good by God. The unneeded money we use for insurance so that we have the best care man has to offer. We must put our faith in God. For this is just an operator problem and not doing what is right with my body. If I were to treat it as a temple; eat right, vitamins, exercise and no stress, these things would most likely not occur, unlike the cancers that invade us for our wickedness, to destroy the innocent.

From the conflict that brings in many, there will be a great number of mass dead. This will in turn bring disease, which will kill even more. The few that survive will be the ones that had not been inundated by vast amounts of antibiotics. Those who ran to physicians every time they had a cold and the doctor practicing medicine, is more just than healing. Leave that up to the Lord.

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