I think that the date is correct but I am not actually sure. All that I do know is that it is the third day on the train. When I left Chicago, after a five and a half-hour layover, I was still unable to get a sleeper so I had to remain in coach. I meet a girl named Melissa from Connecticut and she is traveling to Washington to meet up with some friends. A very interesting person who is actually a great deal like me. She left me several times to take some needed quality personal time back in the observation cart. The strange thing is that my first thought was wondering if it was just me she needed to get away from. Whether it is yes or no really matters not. Not much exciting has been happening and the conversation has been nice but I cannot wait to have a sleeper on the return trip. I hope that will be when I get everything done that I had planned for the trip.

I have been through Illinois, North Dakota that is actually a great deal like Texas, just not as hot. Hills plateaus, horses, small towns and on and on. Montana is next and we will be hitting the outskirts of Glacier National Park. The only downside is that we will most likely be arriving there at night. The assortment of people on the train is amazing and from New Orleans to Chicago the number of foreign women has severely decreased. The number of them in the stations has decrease as well, which is the sole reason that I need to get a sleeper. Another point that I must make here is that I think the lounge attendant on the train is a tad bit off his rocker. He is, funny but off his rocker. I would break out the old laptop and play a game of chess but I am uncomfortable with the fact that I do not know these people and the laptop may wind up missing. I hope that one day I will not have to worry about this sort of thing.

The short story I was working on was doing well but now I am unsure of the ending. I am also thinking about changing it to something I know and not making it up out of thin air. I see now how it helps to write about your experiences. The only direction I could go would be SiFi but that is another story.

Same day hours later, passed by Glacier National Park and I was able to step outside for a minute or two. I inhaled a few breaths of the cool mountain air and thought to myself how I could live in such a place. Then I returned to my seat as we departed, put on the Cowboy Junkies, looked out the window into the Rockies and felt that tug to just remain there. I suppose that I will move to the mountains someday whether it is here or somewhere else. My soul seems to be at peace while I am in and around them.

I also feel that when I am in close proximity to women then I desire them but when they are not around or I have had ample time to spend with them then I no longer need them around. Ample time is being about a week so it is just better to stay away. Melissa meet a friend who she has been hanging out with and is able to pass the time more quickly and seems to be in better spirits than sitting, talking, playing tick-tac-toe and eating with me. Someone her own age or closer to it and a lot more outgoing. I was going to ask her if she wanted to watch the movie “City of Angles” but now I am glad that I did not because it is just too sappy for me. All this vanity encompassed or enveloped as emotions, what is it about? If I need to know, my God be willing to show it to me for I still see it not.



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