A month it seems has passed since my last writing and the wedding has taken place. Now that got me! It has taken a week to recover from that and I still need some more time. It was a glorious affair and time well spent with friends. Harem3 and I ended up together that night or rather very early in the morning. I had to cover her mouth so as to stop from waking up the whole house. That girl sure does put me in a state. I wrote her a letter telling her that I loved her and I also told her at the wedding. The ball is in her court, which I love putting the ball in other people’s court. She did not even call and I do not truly know if she got the letter or not. Odds are she did. So that was that and time is passing.

I came close to freaking out at the wedding. Very emotional event in my life but also one of my happiest, actually the only remembered event of happiness. I have got to get back to being busy and if I try to do everything that there is to do, it should not be a problem. I will get an early start tomorrow. I feel like there has been some alteration in my life since the wedding. I am once again not interested in seeing women, I am sure it has something to do with Harem3 but that is dying down again. I do not understand that relationship at all and I should not pretend to. I broke down talking to Peter at the wedding and got caught in the rain. The place was beautiful, webs were being spun that had both pros and cons; con as far as desire goes. Not so much I saw it in the people but that I could feel it in the surroundings, mainly under the roof of the house. I now know what surreal means and feels like. I wish Peter and Delilah the best of luck. He is my closest family, outside my grandfather.



The Hand of God

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