Words Ringing True

Tonight, I write about Peter, the best friend that I have ever had. I do not mean this lightly or in play, I can connect with him better than I can anyone. Peter though is a genius on every subject in the whole world except computers and other technical extremities. The fault that I find with Peter is that he thinks he is always right and he will not accept things even if he is shown. If he is proven wrong then it is always a back or side step of “yea now but before/after”. He sees things only through his eyes, never taking into effect others’ beliefs, feelings, perceptions. Take for example tonight, I asked if I could read a book his uncle gave to him on the Choctaw Indian Tribe, which I consider to be part of me since my Great grandmother was full blooded. His reply was “Your people? They are not your people, if you were to say you were an Indian to another Indian, they would be insulted.” His knowledge base comes from the fact that his father worked on a reservation at some point and time. So of course, he knows all there is to know about how an Indian feels and what they think. If I want to call them my people because I sympathize and believe much of the native Americans believe, agree with their teachings and acceptance of our world, and although I only have a small portion of that type of blood running through my veins, damn braces relax! I hold them as my people. From the books that I have been reading, Indians were a people of acceptance; they accepted whites, blacks and others. Why then why will they not accept me? I have their blood and a wide view of their beliefs. The six words he says to me are like a dull knife being twisted into my heart, “So you call yourself a Christian?” He says this when I get angry with someone or angry that someone exists in this world of injustice; so, you call yourself a Christian?

You on your high horse, so noble and full of pride, not holding any belief in any god or anything, so you say. What can you say about me being a Christian or acting like one when you are not! I am not a saint and never claimed to be! I have my faults but at least I accept others as well and realize that there are different views in every situation. Why can you not see that what is right for me may not be right for someone else and what I think another does not or should not. I do not claim to be holy and always right; I do not claim to know right from wrong for others but I do know it for me and they are the rules I follow and break. If I do break them, then I accept the consequences of my actions and do not point my finger to others. If you do not like the way I am a Christian and you know that I am one, then do not become one, but do not judge me!

Peter would never hurt another person for anything but he does need to accept other people’s beliefs and thoughts and not to override theirs with his. He is my friend; he is my brother. We are destroying our friendship living together; something must be done. I do not want that gap to be back in my life again, like it was when he had gone off to Tennessee. We will talk about this during our Ocoee trip for camping and white-water rafting.



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