After all this time of doing whatever I could to let my body handle work-related stress. The root of the problem actually grows deeper. Whenever I take a painkiller, not to help me sleep so much, as to have wonderful dreams, I always awaken the next morning feeling better rested than the times I do not. Therefore, from my deductions over the past few months, a very high percentage in my stress lies within the fact that my sleep patterns are unconsciously being disturbed by the planes and trains during the night. And the sub-conscience is relating that to my conscience in the form of irritation of work and my fellow brethren. It seems I will be moving to a quieter location, so it is time to start looking for another home. Even though the blessing of being able to multitask in an efficient manner was devoted unto me, I do feel it is better to do one thing at a time and do it well putting all available resources to it and solving the puzzle then moving on to the next. Everyone will agree that the best way to proceed is one step at a time, unless given enough resources. But the man overtaxes you and makes you worry that you are not living up to your potential. So, you try to work harder so you can buy more and the cycle goes round and round. These past two weeks of being off work have been great. I did need a break and am trying to maintain a positive attitude on my way back to work tomorrow. My plans are to slow down in the morning, take a shower, eat some breakfast, take my vitamins, drink some juice and walk Bachuas. Tomorrow’s plans include going to join cardiac rehab so I can get my heart in shape, along with my legs and this will match with the exercise I have been doing. I also know that it will make me feel better.

I do feel that the Buddhists have a clue into the realm of purifying the body to cleanse the soul in order to achieve higher spirituality.

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