First, I shall start with what I feel is the core of our inner family and that is Grandfather. This man is the closest thing to wisdom I have found. My Grandmother, as her daughters, is a southern belle, to which all entitlements come along. The youngest is the rebel, the middle is the good wife and mother, the oldest, being my mother, is the scared one. My nephew is a young boy who never knows where he will be, later in life this will give rise to the fact he has no since of home. If used properly this will work with him in his search. Cousins of whom I have four their age ranges from one year to eighteen years. The youngest is the first child I have felt the slightest being comfortable around. Second to youngest is quiet like myself but we rarely connect. Second to oldest is one of the brightest people there are, as my grandfather would say,” He is as sharp as a whip.” The oldest has grown to be pretty, but in a hippie sort of way but with personal desire. Next, we have my two sisters, there were just three of us and I was the youngest. The middle child was, as her mother scared but would not settle for the same type of life. The oldest was the angry one, knowing more about our real father and mother than the middle or myself. Then there is me. You will have to take my description on those afore mentioned, but as for me you can make up your own mind.

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