Last night’s visions to my question of – am i right in following what i have been led to know and understand? I was riding in a bus watching a useless killing and action movie all the while letting someone else drive me down a path. As we went along i looked out of the window and saw many wrecked vehicles and sunken ships but I disregarded it and turned my attention back to the movie. The driver also kept glancing at the movie as we went along. The next thing i knew was that we had come to the end of that road where all the others had been before and never made it out. I got off the bus, scouted around and found another road that the bus could not go on, but before it, was a closed but unlocked swinging door that i did not look beyond but went back to the bus, that was having difficulty getting out of where it had gone. To start on this new path? I awoke before i had gotten back on.

I do remember yet another vision of the same area and i had ventured on foot alone. There was danger of my life but i never died. My being driven around by another so i can follow preoccupations is a danger of death to my soul. So, I will go from what i know onward or at least go open the door unto the new path but no one shall I follow except for that of the spirit. My father is compassionate and graceful.

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