My ritual continues upon awakening. Today I mailed a postcard to the grandparents and Sevgilim all the notes i had been writing her. Then i went to the university and began my study on the Baha’i. I finished my first book ‘The return of Civilization’ and it dealt with a Baha’i group of ‘The One World Order’. Descriptions of its economics, politics, governments, and judicial systems (refer to the back of alphabetataudelta), so forth and so on. It talked of man’s spiritual progress but as always placed a use upon the organizational tools of injustice. For (one) world economics, (two) use of capitalism, (three) military force, and (four) Majority decides for the minority; knowing mankind to be followers and easily lead by thought of comfortable life and luxuries – examples: United States.

Always the minority is set aside and says they must be ‘mature’ -word of Graham; enough to just accept and go along with it.

When will it be understood that only the minority of every one being an individual is the only way it will work; individuals being the embodiment of love. For if man ever did come organized under a unified authority, it would never last. For new would arrive wishing to do away with current or because of defiance or some cataclysmic occurrence would occur and shatter the organization and once again people would be without leaders. Man (individually) must take care of his own affairs and saving of the soul and spiritual growth. For the spirit speaks to the person because it dwells within everyone, not given way to being more concentrated in a formed group to lead all mankind’s affairs. For the God of this world’s creation knows how to use vanity and desire with those who have, upon insecurity and indecisiveness of the ones who have not. For he only needs a small crack to start driving the wedge.

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