And with those previous words these were my thoughts today:

What has coming to California brought me?

First, that my concern and care for humanity is falling by the wayside.

I have to thank two things for this.

First, was my previous neighbor Bijan and his family.

After years of asking, talking, explaining and enforcement, they decided to vacate the property.

This was their choice instead of following the rules and regulations of the community.

Second was in being involved with the board.

While finally becoming “involved” in the community, I eventually took on the role of president.

During this time, I made all board members comply with the rules and regulations they are there to uphold.

I stopped the abuse of board members using their position to their gain.

This included having personal landscaping done by the community landscaper on the community dime.

Not submitting archectural requests for changes.

Changing committee improvements in community documents after the fact because it was not what they wanted.

Saving almost a thousand dollars a month by:

no longer mailing and printing meeting documents

setting up electronic communication for resident and board correspondence

Beginning the process of the community irrigation improvement to a more efficient system

I wrote and implemented software to solve the parking issues that have plagued the community for the past 26 years.

I made sure everyone was held accountable to the community rules and regulation.

I made sure there was no longer any bias or preference given to one person over another.

I worked toward resolving all seventeen accounts with outstanding balances of nonpayment of fines and nonpayment of dues.

For this, did i receive thanks?

On the contrary, what i was given was abuse, curses and lies about me.

When it came time for the next voting, the community voted in a member who was abusing their position, not following the rules and regulations themselves and another, who is a renter in the community, who went around spreading lies and false accusations about me.

I have given the other accounts of dealing with resident in general who were called out on their violations and their astonishing rude behavior.

But, it was the decision of the community as a whole, as a majority.

Even though it was driven by falsehoods and lies, did they care to even ask if they were true?

No, they just put their face in the trough and ate it without question.

Again, i see and understand that this microcosm is the macrocosm.

This community HOA governing body is all national governing bodies.

This community behavior is the world behavior.

Never did i think i would find the majority is spineless, hypocritical, unconcerned about the greater good and seemingly iniquitous.

My world now, as it always should have been is Sevgilim and her happiness and her living in a heaven.

I now see that each and every day, not brining a child into this world was the truest example of unbiased, unconditional, self-sacrificing love.

I thought that this time, i will not let this assault stand undefended.

When it comes to what i have programmed my consciousness, I am to take such insults and lies about me and to not defend myself but leave it with what damage, if any, it does.

However, when contemplating over this, it came into my mind that i will pursue judgement against the defamation of my character.

So, if i am to pursue, let me see 222 before i wake tomorrow.

So, I did in a dream to which 222 was inscribed on a silver tool which was used for measurement.

It all is leading to the silver brick inscribed with 50.

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