Tonight, is the first full moon since my drive from Lucedale to Mammoth Lakes. Instead of driving through the desert in Arizona and California, it finds me now heading south toward Singapore in the South China Sea. So, if I am to measure my progress it will now be in terms of heavenly events created by that which is greater than the preoccupations of this world.

Why do we age? Why do we notice ourselves aging? It is because we record the passing of the years, we measure ourselves by the months, our schedules conform to the weeks, and our routines run us through the days and the hours we constantly check by looking at our wrists instead of the heavens.

My gaze shall now ascend to that of a higher realm. One whose lifetime is prolonged by the seconds, which seem like ages here upon this world. I have learned much from this world, I have learned of the injustice and the deficiency that is leading it to decay and that since I renounce this world I must learn to love every man since I also renounce his world and he is left without having light in the darkness. But that, which is contained in the universe, is it not also in decay and will one day be no more? The rings of Saturn shall fade, the stars of Orion shall burn out, and the solar system will die. Yet I now look to them for answers, to a higher knowledge and yet they are also of the deficiency.

I say that there is no need to take part in anything that is not eternal and even the universe is not eternal for all that is in it is of the deficiency and is on the path to destruction.

We have now entered pirate waters and we must remain on watch. The master has ordered no going on deck past eighteen hundred hours and all outside doors are to be locked.


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  1. Pingback: 205_Fourth_Full_Moon - The Archetype Algorithm

  2. Pingback: 205_Fourth_Full_Moon - The Archetype Algorithm

  3. Pingback: The Rod and ICHABOD - The Archetype Algorithm

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