Christ spoke of a life where one is able to make their burden light, physically and emotionally as well as mentally, simply by the way you live.  That way was one of absolute, unbiased, unconditional love. 

Based upon the premise that they do not know what they do. 

How do we apply this to this continued progression?

We exist in this time and that existence has an effect and outcome.   The progress is going in a direction. Simply by living your life a way, has on outcome in that direction. So, when, those of us who exist on this planet or environment, go in a certain direction, we find ourselves going in that direction. In what direction will you steer? 

I “felt” the weight of that direction and unto which I was creating friction against the current. After feeling the pressure of the current I realized I was able to be stronger, simply by beginning to do more exercises.  Mostly in creating a program. 

But what does that program need to be?

A time may come when you realize that you have been running in a program but know that you should be running it.  Then you make the decision to do it. 

The time of kings, princesses, rulers, authority has been past. We must go forth on our own ministries.  Ministry my foot, let it be.

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