I have made the choice to take the next step in our evolution, the evolution of that of the spirit and to bring in the kingdom of Heaven. Where am I to be led? Does the direction matter as much as the free will to choose to stay on the straight path? Fate would be sitting in a boat without a rudder, drifting to and fro, at the whim of the current, given, by the will of man either through knowledge or ignorance. Free will is to use a tiller and through the transcendental experience of the spirit, being in a material shell, learning and knowing truth, and the love of our Father, even when we choose wrongly. For fate and destiny are mixed with injustice and cannot be relied upon to take one to the port of truth, for in their trust you may end up in a port of iniquity and it is better to choose before than after.

We have been drifting in the South China Sea for several hours while the engineers try to repair a “gloudenwauser” on the engine, whatever that may be. Whatever it is, it seems to not be closing fully and is making the engine overheat which as the ship’s apprentice said, “Is not good”.


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