Running errands and back at Novo. I am beginning to come here a few times a week. Last night I started going to bed and reading some. This read is “Chronicles of the Barbarians”, a re-read, none the less an easy way to wind down the day. Working, stepping back in the direction that I found much enjoyment in a previous time of my life. I also find it interesting that on my birthday, sevgilim and I went to see Star Trek and it was also Kirk’s birthday and the topic of the movie was how one point of view that the chaos breeds evolution and the other was about unity and how it makes one either stronger or weaker. However, even with their idea of unity they still found conflict. I know not anywhere that there does not exist the variable of chaos. But one was pushing chaos while the other was fighting to overcome it, which is where I find my current thought process.  So, I am coming to the point of letting go or… but it has always been about the letting go. I draw nearer to the silver brick that has 50 inscribed upon it.  But for the attachment to the material world and remaining involved, the neighbor, Bij, whom I have become a protagonist, after going along with him and talking with him for 3 years, it appears that he has decided to vacate his residence in the community. The property management company who rented the condo said, “you”, the community, “got what you wanted.” I did not want him and his family evicted, I simply wanted them to understand and obey the rules. However, they would rather not and leave and say I am not a nice guy, call me a piece of shit and flip me off, never understanding that the three years in dialog talking before any action was taken upon them, but how was I to know before the experience.


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