I did not get my morning started with yoga but instead I finished Dove and had some fruit. It is now time for lunch but I am well provisioned with seed bearing fruits. The book on Robin Lee Graham’s voyage around the world was in part very personal with his thoughts of discovery and yet in his journey of self and natural discovery and in all his loving of life, the sea and creatures. He like many others, sub-comes to his selfish desire and takes life without the need for it to be done. Maybe he did it out of ignorance just accepting the way things are still done around him. For example, he told of persons who came to the Galapagos Islands and shot iguanas, took turtles and did the like of rape. He said that he hopes one-day people would see the error in their ways, yet right before, he talks of catching so many groupers that he could not fit them all in the freezer installed on the return of the Dove. Maybe he was also speaking of self. But before we can remove the speck from our brother’s eye, we must first see clearly by removing the beam from our own. Yet in his travel, and at twenty-one, he was much further ahead than I could have conceived myself at that time and by now some twenty to thirty years later, I could go learn from him that which would do me good to know.


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