So, my thoughts turn, they turn to this idea of evolution and this being which is evolved mankind and if this being which now, on some unconscious level, chooses, what should we be choosing? For a dog will not choose to not eat if it is hungry or choose to eat only vegetables if meat, as a substance is before it.  But mankind can, will and some do.  So, mankind has this idea of determining our evolutionary state but there was no choice made in our evolution that brought us to this point.  Mankind did not choose to cloth itself, it was merely cold and saw other animals not cold which had fur, so we in turn took that fur and covered our self.  We did not choose to hunt or farm but acted accordingly to a process that at a time put food in our mouth.  So, i say this continues still today.  The only ones who choose are those that go against their nature.  Rather than going with the flow and accepting what life places before you but rather choosing to return to a simple way of life when you have gained so much or to starve because you do not want to feed off another life, these are a couple of examples of choice.  But we did not evolve and come to this point by choice, we found ourselves here because nature and events directed us here.  So, it begs to ask, if in the source of evolution, there will be a problem with choice.  For we do not know the outcome of our decisions.  Just like our path that has polluted our air and water over the course of the years, what will be the outcome if we harness the air and sun, if we become vegans and let other life live, get rid of our vehicles and walk, run, cycle.  It is not nature but notions that become part of the trials of success and failure in evolution.  But is it not just different data to be gathered and returned, to be stored and processed to succeed or fail and try again?  For we are simply the outcome of what succeeded in the maintaining of a species which was able to overcome any harshness in its environment and thrive?  But unless harshness and difficulty once again come to challenge life, there will be no reason for evolution to take place.  And yet, what about those who try and remove themselves from the attachment of a species, to detach from nature and the world, to not procreate?  What is the purpose in that, what is the relevance of that data?

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