In regards to Q24 and Q23 – for 23 i saw 222 by opening this book to write down the question and in doing so I saw 222. So, although i wanted to dismiss, i could not since i did not exclude it from the query. But i did see it twice more after seeing it in this book. Then today with Q24, i did make an exclusion, see above. Then as the day proceeded, the clock i saw was at 2:21. Then realizing the proximity of the next minute, it was my choice to see if the answer to Q24 would be a yes or no, by my choice to look or not to look. And then continually making myself to look away but i glanced again from when it did turn to 222. But then I saw it again as i write this down, not making an exception.
I felt the answer to Q24 would be yes but still thought that to ask the question would be best.