My thoughts are drawn toward my two closest brothers. I find it enlightening that upon my last encounter with each, one was to tear me down and the other was to show me the face of his aggravation. One professes that Thou art god, while he revels in worldly hedonism, while the other believes in his organized religion and his god is in control of all things even his free will choices and that all worldly things are ok to have if you serve his god with them. One turns to his drink and the other one turns to his self-imposed responsibilities, both of which keep them from knowing of the true Father that the spirit is of.

They and others who strive may be likened to this; they have found themselves drowning in the sea and no matter how hard they try to swim to the surface for life, they will not untie the burdensome sacks of gold they have tied to their bodies that keep them sinking toward death.

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