After receiving inspiration last night on the consumption of food, this morning the steward delivered a full box of butter cookies. It always seems that when I stand upon firm ground, the tempter offers the sweetest deal. For example, when I had decided to follow the spiritual path and forsake the worldly life, I was offered all that to me would compose the perfect job. Travel two weeks out of the month, work only four days a week, more money, the company would pay for the rental property and phone, company vehicle, and work at any hours of the day so long as I worked the forty hours a week.

When I was offered all of this, my thought turned only to the temptation of the Christ when he as standing upon the mountain overlooking the kingdoms of the world. He was offered all the pomp and reign if he would only remain in a worldly way. He refused and so did I for we knew one meant death and the other life.

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