So, after the contact, i have sat in meditation more and sent out the same calling and the same vibrations allowing myself to remain open to what may come… or yet am i?  For in the successive meditations, i question what i have asked… for once again it will be looking for something outside ourselves in order to move forward.  That all times we are not able to do this on our own?  We again scream “help” but we sit idle neither helping ourselves or others by helping ourselves.  If we cannot do it on our own, the experiment, in this case is a successful failure and something else must come that can.

So many breaths ago i returned to this place and on a day of its combativity won independence.  With such a change that i cried out of a new individual independence.  I had to fight for that independence as well, but that fight never ended, it continues today.  But i find i am not fighting for something personal or individual but i am fighting for a change to the whole.

For on this day of a national celebrated independence, i sit listening to the latest on scientific discoveries.  I find they (science) is not understanding what has reached out, some time ago, with my mind directed toward a greater consciousness.  That all time is present [past, present, future] now.  That there is not just one universe but many.  That there is a design created by something beyond ourselves but nothing such as petty as the gods of religion.

There are personalities in the consciousness but there is not a personality of the

This consciousness is the culmination of all expanding consciousness brought out by the program of evolution – a seemingly infinite, however finite, cycle of life and death of everything giving to and feeding off everything else so that the process of evolution might, through repurposing, bring into being a perfected purity.  And that is a fight, a constant battle to survive to dominate, to exist, to remain, to succeed. 

This seed lies in the core of the program and is only changed in action or inaction where a being finds its self in the process. Those more consciousness has this fight at an internal level and the others try to dominate others rather that to overcome themselves.

For can perfection and purity be obtained by overcoming selfish-ness or is it obtainable by being the epitome of selfishness?

I have talked to myself these days with bringing about a change.  To knock on the universe and ask for an event to take place.  To bring about an event that will allow for a next step for mankind to be taken.  For if not, i fear this experiment will have been a success on a failure.

But one thing keeps coming to me… if i am not inducing an alteration by intoxication, i am inducing it through meditation.  The key is a driving desire to go within to go seek outside and beyond ourselves.  So, with any altercation/intoxication it must be done in moderation else, it is done for the want rather than an outcome.

And yet with all this side process running i must remain true to purpose… to allow for the heavenly kingdom to come into this existence by being that example (link, link).  For is that not purity and perfection.

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