It has been two years since my visitation from Hansel and the giving of his essence to me, which resulted in the bike crash that led to my shoulder and humorous injury.  I have undergone two surgeries as of late in the hope of repair and having it stay in socket.  The last checkup showed it not sitting there-in, but moving in the desired direction.  As of this day, i have come out of the brace that has kept that arm/shoulder immobile for the past six weeks.  It seemed like the appropriate day to begin moving forward in movement.  It is a beautiful day in March which some will complain is hot but it is a time of Jupiter in Leo.  It has to do with areas unable to have been experiencing delight but that is in the changing, as well as a renewal of faith in what is possible.  It is a no risk no reward time.  And the risk of asking for someone else’s essence and what came from the giving is to now bear the reward.  I will begin to detox myself from sitting around and looking at events of the world which is little more than pollution to oneself.  I will once again devote more time to my development of the divine.  It is not to say that the time away has not been educational.  For as i once experienced, only to see again the media is a fault to the mind.  I start with the cleansing of the physical place i abide as well as this shell that is serving as a vehicle for this physical experience.

I move forward.

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