The cool cloudy days have come.  The sun comes up late and sets early, not giving much time to be out in it.  The hair becomes longer as the days grow shorter and so i find other things to do to put me in the sun. Yet there are things that i must put more focus on, and try harder at.  One being a vessel for the kingdom of heaven and the other is choosing of electronic stimuli, if any, and to live in the now as so many speak of doing.

And what is the now(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)?  It is my hand holding this pen, putting this to paper, the sea breeze blowing in my hair, on my face, thru the hair on my legs.  The sand conforming to the curving of my body creating a comfortable seat.  The blue of the towel wrapped around my waist, waiting as i dry from a dip into the ocean.  The green of the shirt breaking the chill of the wind from my chest, the sound of the sea and the rolling of the waves as they move to the shore.  The sun trying to find breaks in the cloud to send down its warmth and this thermos of green tea, sitting beside me as i now stop to take a drink.

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