I was mistaken on Scott’s words; he is not ready to depart. He says that he is enjoying his time on the boat. We are having wonderful talks on the bow after dinner, watching the sunset and the stellar bodies appear. We search the heavens for what there is to see in them. We talk of our thoughts and I tell of my beliefs and my numerous convictions and the path in which I seek fulfillment. He told me a couple of days ago that he wanted a conviction for himself. What he did have, he called his life’s motto’s; have fun, hurt no one, and no whining.

Last night he slept on the bow with his mind set on coming up with a conviction for himself. Per our talk tonight he had found one and for my perspective it is of the greatest. His convictions are to not work very hard again. That is, to not make life work but to work for food and shelter. His reasons for not doing it are not my reasons for not doing it, but since it is of the same act his reason benefits my cause so reason does not matter. The most important benefit is that he will now develop and gain the time to live and learn what living is and to grow to know himself, which he says that he is someone he does not know. In his no longer working in the nine to five but only working for necessity, he will pay no taxes and simplify his life, which leads to no longer condoning that which is not eternal. Although this is a major task of mine, my greatest task is to awaken man to his divinity.

This is the first step on the path. All I can do is show them the door, to the path and be the example by my life, it is for them to walk through.

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