Much beauty has been happening and much passing.  The passing has been that of Hansel and Keith, which were a matter of days apart.  Six weeks before Hansel took his last breath, i had gone back to Mississippi and spent two weeks with him.  Just the two of us, twenty-four hours a day.  Wonderful talks, wonderful discussions and rather heated arguments, from his side of the table.  However, of all we talked about through the day, sitting in his rocking chair, to the late-night hours laying in his bed, in our last talk, before i left, we agreed on the topic of how organized religion has failed the people.

I returned to California and six weeks later I got a call, letting me know he had died.  I felt fine and traveled back to Mississippi for the funeral and had a nice visit with most of the family, being rather upbeat in such a time.  For Hansel and I had said all we had to say to each other, not leaving anything out in those two weeks together.  I returned to California after a calendar week with the family.

Many beautiful things have been happening, it is though when i go for my rides or walks that this is where i am to be.  Such a peaceful pleasant feeling comes over me and the beauty.  But as i slept last night a vision come unto me…

From a room with large windows where sunlight was falling through, walked a figure toward me.  As i was laying down, it leaned over me and came close, inches from my face.  It was Hansel.  Looking at me he asked, “what was I doing?”.  I pointed to the shirt, half on his body and said, “you were putting that on.”  Then he stood up and i saw he was pure white in nature, all but his eyes, nose, cheeks and mouth.  I said, “Hansel, you are as white as a ghost.”  He looked at me with such a beautiful, happy knowing smile and began walking toward another room.  As he was walking, he said, “How much longer do I have you think?”.  I said, “Like this, two days, maybe a week.”  And the vision went away. But as I lay there, no longer asleep, a heavy pressure began on my body.  As I was on my back, as though some one lay on top of you.  The pressure kept increasing until i said, “OK Hansel, i feel you.” and then it dissipated.  I lay there for a while and thought about what i had seen, working on its understanding.  Hansel still having, much less worry and thought to maintaining the physical, by forgetting about his shirt, to much more thought about his transition to the ethereal and his happy smile, that i noticed his changed appearance into an unblemished white.  Again, as i brought back into my memory, his leaning over me, I smiled uncontrollability and as that thought moved to me telling him he was as white as a ghost and he happily receiving the news, I having not done so, cried.

In just two more days, to a week, Hansel’s transition will be completed and in the end he had come to California to finish.

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