All is arriving.  An age is coming to an ending, an age is coming to a beginning.  As this experience has it’s passing, we have passed through the great arch, but only after the appearance of a woman clothed in the sun.  Then onto the omen of passing through the star Algol, to the portent that appeared in the skies of the riders and their horses.  Yet onward is the march to twenty twelve.  For as the march has continued, so has understanding.  Understanding about purpose, understanding about place, understanding about divinity and the power and choice that comes with it.  For this march, in all that it has brought, it also brought about knowledge of the morning star, which is Venus and onward to the Popul Vul.  That which was the herald of the light that was to come, that would bring the world out of darkness.  To be brought out of darkness by one who had gone under, only to re-emerge with power.

For in not many such passings, Leo has appeared overhead in the heavens and at present remains.  With its foot upon mars and its eyes gazing toward Venus as it is in transit of the sun.  An event that occurs in pairs only every one hundred and five years.  But the timing and all that has been laid before me, arriving at this point…

For after Venus transits the sun, it will once again become the morning star.  Once again, the herald of the light that is to come to take away the darkness.  We are finally here.  Even with excuses given, they have been over taken and change is coming.

It begins now and will grow unto fulfillment.  The fulfillment that will be the Archetype.

It begins now and as before it happened within Taurus, a time of what but the emergence of the “Golden Calf”.

Not the idolatry but as the symbol of the other…yet in the age of Aquarius. An evolutionary shift in Aquarius, ruled by Leo.

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