I have not forgotten the old woman sitting by the campfire. 

I have not forgotten our conversation about the sons of heaven.

I have not forgotten that the thirteenth star came down from the sky and into my being. 

I have not forgotten that I began to create the world anew.

I am constantly reminded of this ability, in that my thoughts, speech and actions do just that, create. For from my mind, i thought that if i knew my earthly father died, using it, i would be given three days off from my job. He soon after died, i found out and received my three days off from the job.

I maintain war is for the wicked, the slaughter of life to satisfy our appetite is unjust.  Thoughtless actions that pollute and destroy living creation should not take place.  Yet not only did I bring about the death of one of the physical beings who took part in the bringing about of this physical form, I also did much more.  We war because we do not like what others do.  We paint it with taking away “our” freedom.  This worldly idea of freedom is not spiritual freedom but with assurity it is selfishness.  Should we not take the time to find peace by way of meditation?

So, a day or so ago, i went to mediate and the same noise and air polluting helicopter that comes by every day came by again.  My thought turned not to the allowance of spiritual freedom but worldly freedom.  Making me w/o want or choice subject to irritation. So, with those thoughts, i stretched forth my hand and fanned it at the flying craft, as one would fan at a fly.  But unlike the way I fan a fly, my thought was one of swatting.  Down the helicopter came, taking the lives of those there contained.  No more… Why do i know and yet not do.  Has the ability been given too early?  Only if i learn not the lesson.  For i maintain, war is for the wicked.



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