We are almost there.  She is showing herself brightly as the evening star on this equinox following a winter that was mild.  Our lives are filled with such beauty and yet because of our hustle and bustle in keeping to schedules, we miss each moment that is filled with spiritual beauty.

I had been keeping the schedule in abundance for some time.  The hustle and bustle of worldly worries in the form of weary work. Too much to be done and not that is done, at least from making a stand against letting it take energy that needs to be devoted to the spirit, on this day, i left it to itself and others and ushered in the equinox with a devotion to my rituals and being renewed in the spirit.  Such beauty. Such peace. Such understanding. Such bliss.  Be still and know.  Stop pushing. Stop exerting outward.  Simply be concerned with your own spiritual evolution and all needed things will occur at the necessary time and place.  I cling to one last celestial event.  I have been watching her walk across the heavens and on this equinox, she is the evening star, on her way to becoming the morning star, then finally the winter equinox that has been long awaited.  The arrival of the new age.  We are almost there. To become the embodiment of that which i am currently trying to maintain.



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