By the light of the full moon this is written. The mark of the beginning that is in the perpetuation of the spring equinox. The snow moon on its twenty-eight day, being herald by mars, which was proceeded by Orion, which has his arrow aimed north.

For on this night, as the snow moon rose, I came to understand what the appearance of the comet, that had its passing through the eye of Algol was to serve as an omen toward.

Upon the night of the full moon, the full worm moon. And on this day, I beheld an earthworm, as it marks the end of winter. The omen has come to pass and change is happening in all things. In point of the comet, my move has taken place and upon it happening, I stated my wish that whatever course that is to be taken, let it be for my spiritual evolution and it has arrived upon the day of spring.

With this arrival of spring, the buds are already taking shape. The buds of the talks of late, where others are talking of a larger understanding, yet at present, it is the talk of another and not their own. All the while still held with the I-self, but it is a starting point and still only a bud. The other is self-beginning and the reading and thinking about that which is beyond and finding of the greater consciousness. In all it is music to my ears and brings joy to my heart. All things are proceeding as they should and the changes are coming. As for this moment, I have left the last place of purgatory, which is before the entering of paradise and it was the place I thought I had already entered but in that I was wrong. For it was just of a place that was closest to. All that is of the earth, all that is of the celestial realm has been transcended. 

This is my last night before entering paradise.

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