Another day for the birth of the sun god has come. The sun has not yet risen, as I. As the aroma of burning frankincense fills the room, my thoughts are drawn toward feelings of irritation, which have been brought on by the watching of documentaries, dealing with environmental issues. The same issues that brought me to disgust over 20 years or approximately 250 moons ago, which comes to 250 days ago. With such passing of time should not issues have progressed toward a finish?

Tonight, Sevgilim and I watched one documentary on the capture and slaughter of dolphins. It was filmed by a crew who was interviewing a man who began the initial capture of dolphins over forty-five years ago. Four dolphins he captured, those four dolphins he trained and from his actions, today, over twenty-three thousand dolphins a day, in the months of March to June are captured for captivity or slaughtered for their meat. Now he tries to fight against what he began and promoted for ten years and thirty years later…this one man’s non-thought-out action is now a multi-billion-dollar industry, feed by non-thinking, non-caring consumers.

And yet, it is not just the environmental issues that I see only continuing to degrade and become worse over the past 250 days but since, my oldest available personal experience held by the naked eye, Hansel, people are still starving and ill and others are still pleading for money to help them. But helping they are not, for if help was to be given, such things would have ended long ago.

But that which should have ended long ago still remains for a simple, now seen, reason. This world has wrought devastation before and yet all those times in the past, after the passing, the finger was pointed to “God”. God brought this upon mankind, because of our wickedness. Rather than mankind brought this upon themselves because they remained ignorant. Time and time again, holding onto religion, holding on to organizational doctrines that teach we are flawed and will always be so and that is only through continual forgiveness that we shall ever be allowed into the kingdom of heaven. If this crutch, that is religion, was ever to be thrown away, then after this next passing of devastation, mankind could look at it from the point of mankind did this. Acted in such a destructive way and this is what these actions brought about, pointing the finger back at self, where the responsibility lies.

For this macrocosm can be seen even this very day in a microcosm. People go about saying life, the devil, god is out to get them because of difficulties they see themselves as having. But if you simply look at the choices they are making, their action is the cause, not some other force. But because of their religious programming, they will not see and remain blind to the reason and therefore cannot see to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

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