While in meditation, the seed planted of the ancient idea was watered. It’s germination was in the soil of the Popul Vuh. For as the long count Mayan calendar comes to an end, it may only begin with one of four of the 20 day names of a solar cycle and within that solar cycle the Venus cycle can only begin with one of five of the day names.

To go through the computation of the solar names and Venus names that will begin the new age will show the characteristics and attributes of the cycle of this new period as well as the names that proceed will show how it will end.

It has been unto this ancient idea that has led this experiment and the ancient idea has shown its merit but what I have come to see, is that through my study and seeking, I found what was to come and what the signs would be to show its coming. I however never waited upon its arrival but continued on, upon the path only to realize that the time I had learned of had passed. The signs had been there as I had seen them before they became and what was to come about, did come about but the signs at their time i did not see for I had gone on down the road and had past them before they were placed to be seen and as for that which was to come about and did, I learned latter that which I knew, for I waited and watched not but continued on busy with that which was beyond the signs that told of the coming times for I find that they are always behind me.

So, I come unto the last of the ancient idea, being the newest of the old for it to must be let go. For continuance with the ancient way is to keep us from the evolution of today.

It is the knowing of actions that can be taken, which will bring about a waiting change and if the change that is waiting is a change that is needing to happen. This is what I know and so that is what I did. Yet desire for the waiting change in the wanting of the change was not the decision toward the action but yet to allow the change to come about as to free up the confines of the holding mind. For withholding the known action is to willingly delay rather than allowing it to come as it may. It has been freed to do just that… a simple action of the placement of a table, which is more a major percentage than the being present in a certain place at a certain time is the catalyst of a change that effects the universe.



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