The next full moon approaches. I think no more, only open myself up to that which is beyond and accept with delight what is given unto me.

While in meditation, I ascended to what I came to understand as clouds and then my awareness culminated into my perception, taking notice that I was soaring through the sky, thru the clouds and as I soared, remembrance was brought back unto me of my vision, that was of entrance to the airport and holding the key for accessing a secret area and a child coming in from behind, and out onto the street to see a disabled individual and then leaping from an aircraft and soaring through the sky. The act and the feeling were the same. A new way to proceed, beyond the old. As I came back unto myself, in the place from whence I ascended, my being was drawn once again to perfection.

What is perfection? It is perfection of the body which is when it comes to understand its desire is for health, energy and long life, which it can gain only completely when working in cooperation with the spirit. Perfection of the emotional nature is the attainment of a blissful state which is gained by working in cooperation with the spirit. Perfection of the mental is the going beyond that of rationalization and ascending to the knowledge that comes from a divine understanding. And purity and perfection of the soul/self which goes beyond ego and attains a universal consciousness which is gained by working in cooperation with the spirit.

At this moment nothing should be left behind but all should work together for an integral evolvement.

I awoke from a vision. One that was of part of some before seen. I was with a group in some continent beside that of the American. At the beginning of the vision, it was the ending of our meeting and all had decided to travel back to the United States, unto the state of Washington. As everyone was making their arrangements to leave, I merely looked up, unto the sky and ascended. It was as that before seen, upon the aircraft in which I exited from the back and began upon a new way of travel and I once again become a steak, crossing through the sky. Seeing the land and oceans far below, I quickly crossed the distance and plunged into the waters of a great inlet surrounded by snow caped mountains, which were to the north. (Waptus Lake?) As I floated to the surface and viewed the surrounding, the thought came to my mind that it will take time for others to reach this place. So, like the Orientals from the aircraft, which showed the way by being unclothed, I did the same and swam in the cool clear water and waited.

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