The sweet smell of frankincense on this sabbath day. A day of alignment, a day of renewed strength, a day of beginning upon the path of a new vision, a day of bringing together disparateness in all things, for life is now that of an integral yoga. To bring about the perfection of all things, physically, emotionally, mentally, and soulful, into the perfection of the spirit into the becoming of the divine, which will once again make itself manifest into the world, the return that has been foretold for this present age.

Now to move beyond what has been reached, to move beyond what is currently held as known. Being brought back to the origin of this continent of my native birth. The place that ended the seeking for freedom from external imposed rule.

To continue on this path of flight for freedom would require taking to the stars, only to begin the entire process again for the soul of mankind has not changed. Mankind will only setup another form of government/control externally bound, to place upon this shackle, to others, who would pursue their happiness to have something different. But the time has come once again, the renewal of an ancient idea, where one lives a divine life. Not caring or being concerned about governmental rule, nor caring about the holding, amassing, or loss of something that has little worth, while neglecting that which is worth much. Living a life that is in love of all and not following flags. Giving without want of receiving, but giving what is good, knowing what is needed to be beneficial, going beyond the act of self-good feeling, by the mere opening up of your hand.

It is in the word of perfection, in all sense. For all things desire, is for perfection. But perfection is known only from the spirit or rather better a word for now days to be used is, divine. For once again, the organizations of the day have taught what is not truth, one main teaching of deceit is that being religious is the same as being spiritual and this is a great lie. But lies are easy to tell, so long as one remains of the herd mentality. Lies told about dates of birth, lies about dates of resurrection, lies about second comings… and why does one tell lies?

My mentioning of the “ancient idea”, my mentioning of the full moon symbolizing illumination to something buried, hidden, subconscious that will be brought forth and become aware of a tendency or repetition, to know this will allow for selection whether or not to change so there can be a continuance of evolution. For continuance of that which is ancient, is not evolution.

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