Today I completed “The Synthesis of Yoga”. Aurobindo stated all I was to state with only small variations. For in the sum, the purpose of mankind, or should I say humanity, is one and the same. That of the knowledge of time consciousness, that of which he called integral, and I call interface and in his last chapter, he spoke of intuition of time consciousness and being able to understand with revelatory knowledge, how the world is in fact filled with “systems of correspondences and indices and these things, can in their place and under the right conditions give us real data of a super physical knowledge.”

On this day, the day before my being physically born into this world, I find that on the morrow, there will be a full moon, but not only a full moon but a lunar eclipse and not only a full moon lunar eclipse but the last eclipse in a trinity that had been without its paring of a solar eclipse, with the sun in the sign of Leo and the moon in the sign of Aquarius. The grand “Experiment”. The full moon symbolizes “illumination” to something buried, hidden, submerged in our subconscious. To become aware of a tendency or repetition, knowing this will allow to select whether or not we want to change something so there can be a continuance of evolution.

The lunar eclipse and full moon in Aquarius is about quiet internal reflection and listening to how one feels. Not just about how one thinks they feel or have an idea but to have knowledge of the feelings deep inside. It is about emotional freedom or freedom from emotion, in my case.

It is the integral yoga, how can/will the individual Leo, make a difference on the larger humanitarian scale (Aquarius).

So much of this moment has attachments to my natal chart; full moon in the seventh house Aquarius – partnerships, (intimate or group or business), shifting the center away from self. The full moon bringing endings/closures. After, the energy of Mars will pass through Leo. (Mentioned in previous writing)

And as I wake in the morning to commute to the job, Venus is there to say hello. Venus symbolizing the wife and who caste is brahmin, lord of the south-east, color is white, classified as very auspicious. Represents love, relatedness, values, social urges, art, beauty… Symbolized the force of attraction in the universe, bringing things together to form a more perfect, complete and stable whole than that which previously existed in parts.

And so we go from here with the integral yoga, for all life is yoga…now to go beyond what is known as of now.

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