Spring is still giving everything a good soaking for its coming growth. There comes a gushing rain then a reprieve without sun, so that the drought may be drank by the ground, then another gush of rain and so it continues for as long as it is to.

This of course is a mass the rivers are to disperse, carry and overflow with. But once again, mankind in its thoughtlessness has built too close to the waters and now work diligently to hold back what was meant to overflow and meant to overflow for “good” reason. Mankind wants to cage, dam, divert, boundary, hold back and every other infringement for more so the protection of its material possessions than for itself. It is the service to these possessions that says enough. And so, as they love their life, so they have already lost it.

I finished reading the book of Kenneth’s and its ending was about the continuing of separation into a certain group, adhering to the organization. In the end, the book made some good points but unless one is able to see clearly by spiritual sight, the outcome, direction, ascertain the pursuits which the points are in reference to, the book is mere fluff. One that still talks of religious organization, governmental organization, medical, poor, poverty, hunger, evil and at the same time, throws in the word spirituality. But if one was to know the spirit then they would already see that these things do not exist for duality has been removed. The author speaks of the coming of Jesus, Savior, Messiah and when one lives through Jesus, accepts Jesus, then they will see the world created anew. But this alluded remark points to a historical individual and not of the manifestation of the spirit. So Rome and religion continues to sustain what they began over 2000 years ago… “wait and the kingdom and recreation of the world will come, wait.”

But there is no need to wait. For the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The author, as many in Christianity speak much of Paul. Paul who saw a blinding light, unto which Jesus appeared before him and asked “why do you persecute me?” Paul who sought out, jailed, killed, tortured those who followed the way of life Emmanuel showed and taught. Paul who served Rome. Paul who separated what the disciples of Christ taught. Paul, who’s scriptures came to be more in the conical texts than the disciples. The conical texts authorized and accepted by Rome. And what was happening in Rome after the death of the martyr who was nailed to the cross?

Follow other men if you will and do not listen to the spirit, but I tell you that it will be your undoing. For salvation shall come only through life lived in the spirit, a life of spirituality. A life of unbiased, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. A life of not loving your life. A life of working toward taking less and less part of the destruction. A life of holding the creation of what is the natural world above the creation of your hands.

And so the return of the CHRIST shall be of the spirit. It will not be the return of a historical individual. So prepare ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

For is it … just speech and it is doubt and disbelief. I wait and watch to see the life lived, the swaying to and fro, the thinking without action to become knowledge, the tenacious clinging to destructive habits for no reason at all, as though, at the return of the believed savior, all will be renewed into a heavenly kingdom as though the spirit is not at present continually within our presence. It is the understanding of the physical mind and not with a spiritual mind, which is the deficiency. So, I say what I say to Keith, as he wallows in despair, saying he understands, talks of being moral and good. That one cannot be of benefit to another if you are not spiritual. It is your evolution of the spirit that will bring the positive that is needed for as you evolve, the totality of the spirit is allowed more involvement and then takes care of all other things, but then again, as I say to Keith, “You have until the bottle runs out.”



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