Still, I continue to read the book given to me by Lynn and Ken. Today the author was attempting to explain the validity of the Bible, as being inspired but the fact of the matter is that it has been almost two thousand years and people are still and people still need to convince and be convinced also assured that the thing they hardly read and rarely study is what they are unwilling to know.

This is mankind, this is why freedom, spiritual freedom, will never be known to the mass. The author throws around the word spiritual but has not yet touched or directed any association with its difference and non-worldly way. He either does not know that a spiritual life is not about living up to moral codes, or reading scripture, which from him is referred to the Bible only, it is not about rationalizing why something makes sense. It is enough he is selling his book, talking to those who will not, not giving the details of the appearance of Paul, bringing about division to the teaching of the initial disciples, only to have mostly his sayings accepted as cannon by Rome. That which crucified the very one who was also brought to the top of the mountain, but rejected the kingdom of the world.

For mankind is concerned with how the world was created, not why. Mankind is concerned with how they are living their life and not why the life is here to be lived.

The world is not for the humanization of mankind but for those who will become humanized and be the salt of the earth. For they still do not understand the showing of worth.

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