Finally, I am compelled to write, as though I should be pushing it…

India has much to make one understand but it is you that harbor the spirit, it is no place. I am laying outside, looking east with the sun in the process of setting. As I relax in this hammock, I see flowers blooming, red birds feeding, flies hovering, leaves falling from oak trees, new leaves coming forth and all that which has been done by my own hand.

I ride my bike to work and so my footprint has shrunk, as well as my insurance and yet I still let the mosquito freely feed. The world that I have always wanted has been created before me, but it is not worldly but one of heaven.

It is not that one finds this place. It is not that one polarized in a physical, mental or soulful aspect will ever find this place, for the kingdom of heaven is within you. It is the becoming and continual growth into a spiritual being which brings about a universal consciousness and knowledge unto which sheds light unto everything.

As I had been thinking of my involvement of urban development, I wrote the council person of the district, which I reside, about sidewalks. It came back as a reply of revenue and other aspects of money…i will continue to be the constant water dropping but the first reply said enough.

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