Back thought time I have gone, back to the beginning to find that the information given to me, for the reason mankind is what he is and how it is, is because of the eye.

For what had been given was that mankind began to look around itself and to see the nature of the world and in that looking thought that this too is my nature because of its identification with the body and not that of the spirit. But it is not the nature of mankind to look up.

Upon my return, I went to visit Hansel and Betty. They asked why for my travel to Hindustan. After my reply, Hansel had words for me again. Not so much as he is in disagreement but that he understands not. Yet his main point of contention is the one fact that I am not involved with a group like organization. My question to him was, “it is because you think I would be of benefit to a group or that the group would change me?” To this question I received no reply. And so I shall retry…

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