To become, to develop, to evolve. Upon my return to my native land, I have been spending my time doing yoga, running errands and watching movies. Winter is still here and it shall remain for more weeks to come. The roots are germinating but I am having to stay; a want to have the sprout and buds come forth but if they do they will only die at the coming of a freeze as spring has not yet arrived.

I am isolated at the moment. There is little to no interaction with others, with the exception of the other half of me, but that is still only me. Although that other part of me does interact with others. I am seeming to be waiting upon contact with my old place of employment and the outcome of that connection. There is no desire to return to what was left…there is no desire, to return to what was left.

In every matter, I must begin with small steps. But those steps must be in the right direction. The thoughts to pursue are there, all that remains is the pursuing, for they are simple enough; bike and sidewalks. For I have been given a beautiful place to begin and the bike comes because of the location of previous employment and the sidewalks for the travel to and from.

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