We have returned back, once again, to my native land. Tonight, is the full moon and I awaking early this morning, did my yogic exercise. The first day after our return, I looked up and beheld an owl perched upon a limb, looking toward the west-southwest. To the tribes of the native Americans, the owl represents wisdom, foresight and the keeper of sacred knowledge.

Also, after some time of not seeing 222, upon my return it also returned. While we were away, everything in this place was having difficulty. From neighbors in car accidents to open heart surgery, broken vertebrae, pneumonia, to the organization known as country, having economic issues, corporate bail outs and a bad Christmas retail. But as it has been written, “God shall not send them a penalty while thou are among them; nor will God send it while they can ask for pardon.”

And even more so than before, even though I inhabit this same space, I am more removed from the running of their world. Yet am I to get involved in direction? It may be a small beginning to test the water. However, I see the need for a system and authority when it comes to the mass, for in their animal-ism, they see only self and it is now known that the mass shall not evolve, only the individual, who wills.

And so begins the Kingdom of Heaven, brought into this construct via the vessel of the Archetype.

It has been stated that it is the development of continuation or evolution of mental capacities that allows for the spiritual progression and evolution in mankind. It is not merely a natural occurrence of evolution of the physical with innate spirituality. For this would come to generate a new and different species and would leave behind the other same type, but which is not spiritually evolved group. That not being the case, due to it being mental, all mankind can achieve spiritual evolution because of the physical, natural evolution that brought us to the current mentality and this will always remain available in mankind.

Yet why are there the individuals who seek after their spiritual evolution and other do not? Why do some contain the “conviction” and others do not? Is it possible the “conviction” is actually that very change of the evolutionary aspect?

Why do few seek the spiritual identity while the others remain in a herd mentality? Is it not that this is the very evolution, that was said was not the case? But at the same time, it is pointed out that this evolution process will only be available or attained by the few and not the whole because the individual must choose and it is chosen because, coming back to the point of “conviction”.

However, reasoning through such question shall not bring true answers. Truth in answers come from the spiritual abilities and connections known as inspiration and intuition. Which brings back to remembrance my vision of the sphere and what it was to be in its presence and the bliss there of and also the leaving of it. For my reason for my travel was so ideas and beliefs would become knowledge by the means of experience and application and they have been applied and it is now known.

In my first vision of the sphere, I returned to it’s presence because a separate identity of self was searching for that which had been left behind. And I left the presence of the sphere because of desire, a desire to not know. A desire to not know of the outcome of a new identity, free from worldly passion and worldly desires and its being in existence in life of a spiritual manifestation in a temporal world. Knowing that at its ending, there would be a return back to the sphere. Later appeared the movie “Sunshine” which was the exact representation of the sphere in my vision which was one of sphere worship.

Then in the appearance of my next vision of a sphere, the one that was a cause of concern, in a community of which I was a co-creator. For the sphere was guarding paradise of which I found through my individual search, but in that search I angered the others left behind. In their anger they requested I impose self-punishment, which I did. But now realizing paradise did exist but not in the place of the community rule but only upon passage by the sphere. Later appeared the movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still”, which was the exact representation of the sphere in my vision which was one of sphere apprehension.

For if you come to obtain these spiritual abilities and your inspiration and intuition give you something else then perfect. For I am here not to give thought but merely show how to think.



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