We were surprised with the occurrence of a wild elephant on our arrival back into Rishikesh after forty-two hours of travel from Chennai. We arrived a few hours before sunrise and crossed the Ganga over a swinging bridge while overhead was a clear night full of stars. Then just before the turn into Shiva, I saw something move and as I turned, I saw the back end of something large. As it moved, I saw two streaks appear which I soon realized were the tusks of a bull elephant.

I awoke early this morning already feeling energized. I have said my hellos and had them returned by the staff. It is good to have returned. They said it feels good to have me back and I must agree with the feeling.

They have changed a few things around which makes for more aesthetic environment and the place seems cleaner. I do not know if it seems this way because of the filth and dirt we had become accustom to or because they have become cleaner but from the lack of flies, it appears to be because of the latter, but as I climb upstairs, in find the flies on a table with non-cleaned up honey…which is their breakfast.

The weather is perfect as well as life, for we must let go of that which is negative and hold onto that which is positive.

Three days have passed since I walked down to the Ganga and bathed in its waters. The next day was New Year’s Eve and I once again began my yogic practice and I am continuing them upon the arrival of the New Year and after. But when I say, I mean we.

The seed of travel to India has been nurtured and sprouted, which became the nutrients for the seed of thoughts toward urban development and the appearance of the Aquarian Archetype. My travel is allowing me to see the concept of an outward presentation of a proposed way of life as well as brought me to Pondicherry, which gave me the fertilization of “The Future Evolution of Man, the study thereof”.

For this time in travel, I do not fight my return to my physical native land but understand that the return to it is part of the continuation of development. For I have traveled to a place where I was at once bewildered by a foreign environment in custom, language, system, thought, habit and law. Overwhelmed at once and taking in aspects of this society as the reasoning would allow then allowing that reason to be defined by inspiration and intuition and the application there of to bring forth knowledge which has granted the ability of a greater sight in the universal understanding. Through the expansion of consciousness, more capacity and ability has been given. This can be explained as through exponentially increasing the amount of RAM in a computer. There by allowing it to run smoother, more efficient, fast and with less fault, for it can now hold more necessary data for a better interpretation of its current environment. Because of this, my return to the states shall be one of a different consciousness and although the seeds have begun germinating, it is yet that issuance of spring, literally and figuratively, which will bring forth the sprouts and begin its growths to bear the fruit which it will.

But that which is to come is….



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