We have arrived in Varanasi and after a two-hour delay, we arrived in the station to be meet by an auto rickshaw driver who showed us out of the station and to a man who was there to tell of his wonderful hotel. So, we went, not having any reservation, to a filthy place that was like the dungeoness ashrams in Rishikesh. So, we went from there by a guide, who hopped on the rickshaw and was talking to us on the way. We arrived at a better place, but not much better. Here we decided to stay although we were looking for the Ganga Fuji, they took us to the Ganga Yogi. When we asked about the name difference and why we were told this was the Ganga Fuji, they stated the Ganga Fuji was the restaurant upstairs.

With much frown and no fight, we put our bags in the room while they cleaned another. As they were doing this, we went to the roof-top restaurant and got a refreshing lemon soda and ordered the worst food yet in India, though still edible, and in came Carol from the US.

She had arrived in Varanasi several hours before us and as she entered upon the roof, she gazed around with quickly searching eyes, looking for a spot. Sevgilim was in the process of watching a Hindi movie, which she finds interesting. Carol decided upon a seat as soon as Sevgilim whispered, “I hope she does not sit in front of me.”, which she did. As soon as she sat, she pulled out a pack of cigarettes, quickly lit one, called the cook/waiter, and ordered a very large beer and so she took some puffs and some sips and I could see the irritation level came down slightly from her shoulders. As the T.V. was directly behind her, it appeared as though Sevgilim was staring at her and so she feeling this, said something about our looking. Then asked if we spoke English and where we were from. Sevgilim answered first and said yes, she didn’t speak English and she was from Turkeye. Carol had been to Turkeye and said she loved it and why she loved it. Then she turned her gaze to me.

“I am from the states.” I said and then the conversation began. Her frustration had come because of a long tiring trip and on arrival, getting into this dirty place and immediately going out into Varanasi, the crowd, small allies and paths, where the ways are little bigger than two people can fit side by side and people driving their motorbikes, scooters, bicycles along with large bulls, cows, dogs and shops jutting out from every meter, and in this congestion, it is “Hello mam/sir. Would you like this, that, these, those?” No, has no meaning and they keep at it sometimes there of four at a time. Getting lost in this place is easy but after a long hard trip and little sleep it would be overwhelming, which is proof positive in Carol.

Carol began talking about the election in the states which is currently taking place. How the people there want change and she had hopes that it would come. She had left the US after retiring and moved to Bangkok for the cost of living and the climate. After two years there, she said she had no friends. She has grown up in the sixties and seventies, the hippies and the activism of the days. Studying on economics and challenging the ideologies of the standard way of thinking. She said she danced around the time of feminism because she was pretty and could get away with using that of “good looks”. She had difficulty in this male world because she had a mind, but later got married, had three children and later the divorce. She still felt responsible for the world and was still trying to create change through the outward exertion of ideas, dependent upon organizations. Having spent her career in social work, she latter had it ended by the growth of bureaucracy of insurance and what, she stated as “30 something economist degreed young men say that x number of sessions was not necessary”. We talked of my ideas and philosophy but she heeds not the details of how the organization and infrastructure will be built to bring about these changes and so said concrete ideas are needed and she was hearing only that which was vague. I explained from the individual standpoint and pointed out change will not come from antiquated ideas of organizational control. But she was still pushing. After much time of bringing back to the spiritual evolution of the individual, she was still clinging to organization and wanting to see change made, which I stated was vanity. In the end she half-hearted agreed. After Sevgilim had mentioned that she was what I am talking of in an example form. But there was a core difference that kept our conversation from coalescing and that was the understanding of what the world was, by definition which mine differed from hers. Her’s once again being the herd mentality of this mass floating in space and mine, only of that which tangibly exists around me of which I have contact. In the last moment she said change will not come without her way. After contemplation on that statement, I must ask/say, would there be any change if these, seed thoughts of change, were not being spread?



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