Quiet easy days in India. Those who were here before us have gone and those who arrived after us have also moved on. We are continuing our yoga and we have our good and bad days. India is still working on us as it makes us weak and purges our system, only after to have made us stronger.

I am no longer trying to wake up to catch the morning yoga class. After five days, three times a day, I have learned the closely followed routine of asanas, so now upon waking and acclimation to the day, I go and practice the asanas myself, working on perfecting the ones I have been taught. Tonight, or tomorrow, I will go with Sevgilim to a different yoga instructor to see if I will again attend class or continue with self-practice.

I am sitting on the top of the resort’s building after a day of chess, washing clothes, yoga and just relaxing. Catching some more rays of the sun, while it is in the process of drying my cloths as well.

Yesterday I spent almost the entire day, talking with Christian, from Germany about the Gurus of India, the days of the new age, spiritual evolution, letting go of self-desire, the exertion of one’s will, how all falls in place, obtaining ones needs, everything needed to be changed in the world becomes changed if only one be concerned with their spirituality and its evolution. I gave him the entirety of the process and philosophy, of which he accepted out of all he had heard up to this point in his life.

This brings me to a point, the point of the elect and the gathering there of. For yesterday there was Christian of Christianity and this morning and the day before, there was Mohammad of Islam and as well as Ori of the Jews. All of which came from the religious organization and who now where no longer attached but yet seeking that of which they do not know.

So the understanding of the scripture now becomes known. “After the days of tribulation, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars of heaven shall fall (13th star vision) and the powers that are in the heaven shall be shaken (religious dogma) and then shall they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angles, and shall gather together his elect, from the four winds, from the uttermost parts of the earth to the uttermost parts of heaven.”

Know the sun is not the sun and the moon is not the moon and the stars that are in the heavens shall not fall. This is not to be taken physically but spiritually. What did the sun once represent that it now does not? What did the moon once represent that it now does not? What did one look to the stars to find but now do not? First the angels, then they go to gather the elect and from the four winds there shall be four angels.



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