This is my last writing toward the old, even new, organized religions of the world. For I shall call their doings “Dogmatic Monkeyism”, from the phrase, “monkey see monkey do”. For this has become what they call rites and practices to religion, in which they saw their prophet or leader doing and in return they copied the behavior without understanding. For their Archetype did not copy but did from what was received by intuition and inspiration, which if sought will be given individually to everyone.

As for the new religion of the age – Sevgilim messed up my writing, because she loves me so much – we must see where we have brought ourselves, what our past understanding was, where we are currently and what our current understanding is. By this day and age, our knowledge should be one thousand-fold but the complacency and organization, to make void the need for understanding has left us far behind our ancestors in that of strength, mentality, knowledge, connections and awareness. For those who will, everything will now be applied into this universal equation and the result may be known.

In the new, un-organized religion, if there are those who band together in groups then this is the first error. The second is wanting to dress as others, to show association rather than inward direction for certain apparel. If they ask you about why you work, then your response is to be, “it is not for me to be a burden unto others while I am in this place for voluntary service.” For in the world, there are those, through the matter of course who will be worldly. Dealing in worldly matters, making a worldly way of life. So, while you are volunteering in their world, do not take from them while you are able to provide for yourself. Do not desire an occupation. Do not desire a certain salary, for if you are serving the spirit, it will be given unto you what it is you need. Do not run after possessions that are un-needed. But simply have only what is needed, not more. Live according to your means, bring about the smallest amount of destruction possible and work toward bringing about less. Give unselfishly, not wanting repayment or even appreciation, for it is not people you are serving but the spirit. Only let that which is positive pass over your lips. Love one another, forgive and you will be forgiven, have mercy and mercy will be given to you. But do not error in thinking the repayment comes from mankind. Serve the spirit in secret for anything more than this commeth from evil. But if at any time in your meditation, contemplation, and experience in the world, your intuition and inspiration cause these words to appear false or untrue, then throw them away. For it is not for the new spiritual priests to practice “Dogmatic Monkeyism”. You will know your way, if only you will seek it.

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