After a full day of illness yesterday, I awoke feeling refreshed. I got up, took a bath and as I was in the process of brushing my teeth, when I spit, I noticed my spit was completely black. So, I did what I could to brush it away. The reason for my illness is three-fold. One, I drank the water from the pitcher at the Yak. Two, the dust and pollution in this place. Three, I told Sevgilim it was not necessary to bring all the medicine she loaded.

Today we leave Dharamsala, McLeod and travel to Rishikesh to learn yoga and maybe meditation. I am hoping that the shopping and store going will begin to be less as now this is all the trip is about. There is not much interaction with others on the spiritual but it seems this trip is for Sevgilim more than myself. But I must have patience, wait and see.

We have come to Rishikesh. The past time here has been one of looking for a good yoga instructor. We have walked much and are seeing the area. Before leaving the states, I had come across a place here called the Shiva Resort, which is interestingly enough the place we are staying as well as where it appears, we will be taking our yoga training.

We had gone to an Ashram, as they provided residence and with it came yoga lessons but after looking at the room, it was filled with mold, being dark damp and dungeoness. Then we went to one of the “Advanced Yoga” teachings where a guru was explaining parts of the Gita. For a hour and a half, I listened to him give discourse on the course of action for spiritual development. After this and after the Buddhism, I have come to understand that religions of the world are dead. Their teachers take payment for giving what should be spiritual and therefore should be free. Their complexion is fair to look upon but underneath them and their surrounding life is filled with darkness and defectiveness. Therefore, they must be cast away from us and the new must become manifest. For the new has come and this new shall remain, for it will be the individual understanding and not of the mass. For in these days, it will be known that those who go about clothed in pious garbs are actually showing themselves in error. For the pure generation will make everyone a priest and people will not array themselves in special garb to advertise their piety.

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