With new found understanding of yet another scripture, that at its core speaks to the spirit, as that which should be sought but with also the same overlying propaganda, that which has before been stated, still remains true… “They who know at the same time both knowledge and not knowledge, over comes death through not knowledge, and obtains immortality through knowledge.” And with this seen interconnection I then was given another vision and it was as such…

A small community stood around a bod of water, staring at an object that gave them concern. I was part of that community. The object of concern was that of a sphere, black, which had a height and width of twelve feet. The sphere was floating in the water and behind the sphere was a sheer cliff of a mountain unto which there was an opening to another place. As the members of the community were nervous about the presence of impending danger, I quickly made my way behind the sphere an went through the opening. Through the opening there was a calm pool of water, surrounded by the mountain on all but one side. A little way beyond that, I beheld another opening where the water fell over the edge. I walked to the edge, looked beyond and beheld paradise. After I had beheld this sight, the sphere quickly began to pursue me to the opening I had come through, which was also in the process of closing. I quickly swam, with great speed, just making it through the closing door and flew out of the water and onto the bank. The sphere having to reopen the door still pursued me to the edge of the bank and water but came no further. As I emerged from the water, a male member of the community approached me and being wroth with me made physical threats. Then another woman from the community approached and they deemed my actions had potential to bring about harm to the community from the sphere and they requested I be jailed unto which I went.

Sometime later I was released and encountered the same man and woman. As a discussion of my actions ensued, I came to understand that I had been one of the individuals who had created this community, that we considered Eden. The male being upset, which was now understood to be the reason for my jailing, was still at a point of anger and the woman who was the head of the community was relating to me that it was not for us to anger others and that this was the reason for my jailing. I replied, “This is my third jailing.” And she replied, “It is the separation from the community that is the punishment.” Then I said, “I felt it this time, for the first time.” As I was walking away from them, making my way down beside a beach, I noticed another argument, which was a thing of never happening, in the community, going on between a man and a woman. As she dove into the ocean, he walked away. I felt a pull to talk with her but did not. As I stood on the beach watching her come out of the water, there was a voice that said, “Talk with Hot Smoke”. As she and I talked, we understood what man has to learn from woman and woman has to learn from man. So, we visited and spoke to others. The building conflict within the community began to dissipate. But it was no longer what it was…my mind remembering paradise.



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